Monday - Saturday
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Principal's Message
Principal Message

Message by Principal – K.K Panda

“An education system is the reproductive organ of every culture that includes both formal schooling and informal transmission of knowledge, skill, and attitude.”

Our sole responsibility is to inculcate the seed-potency of scriptural consciousness and ethical values in the blooming heart of students that exist beyond temporality. A society’s culture can survive for longer than the life span of its members because its educational system passes down the folkways and knowledge of one generation to subsequent generations.

Our deliberate alteration of an educational system can be a very effective way to change a culture. We create a system of belief pattern that inspires students to walk on the roadmap of self-disciplined, technocratic vision and a positive attitude. Character formation is our ultimate motive over textual knowledge in order to make our students global citizens.